Here you will find information about some of our various parish ministries. For more information or to volunteer for any ministry, please contact the appropriate ministry leader or call the parish office.
The Altar Society members are responsible for cleaning and preparing the church for weekend services. No one is asked to work beyond his or her capabilites. You can expect to work in small groups for 2 hours (usually Saturday mornings) once every 2 months. The ministry is made up of individuals, couples, and families.
For support in mourning the death of a loved one, please contact the parish office.
The Hope Ministry (Helping Others Prayerfully Evangelizing) has several outreach programs:
We are privileged to serve the infirm. Please inform a pastoral staff member of the needs of those who may be ill, hopitalized or elderly.
Please come and join us! Every Thursday 7-8 pm in the Adoration Chapel, we pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and read scripture in front of Jesus in the monstrance. It is a wonderful way to nourish our faith. We also offer up prayer intentions. If you cannot join us, feel free to call or send in prayer intentions, we are happy to pray for your needs. (Please enter through the side door with keypad, and contact us if you need the entry code.)
If you think someone you know would like a prayer shawl, please contact Rose Marie Clark at 978-415-0272.
St. Bernadette Parish has an active Respect for Life Ministry.
Women's Faith Sharing programs happen at various times during the year.